Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Post worth Waiting for...

Ladies and Gentlemen, Board of Directors... I present to you.. the post worth waiting for..

Haha, sorry for the super long delay, actually, i dun really blog, so its like a new experience for me. But I'm encouraged to see this initiative, since there are so many posts and replies. I hope there will be frequent fresh updates. Yup.. Anyway, as I've promised... I present to you, the photos.

Hail to the wonderful cell group.. This was taken during the baptism of the 3Js. Most of them are in black or white though, except me..

Photo taken after appreciation to our dear CGL for her EM promotion. She's indeed feeling 'secure' and happy at this moment.
After the appreciation, we flew down, literally, to Gary's. Joseph is seen here posing behind Jamie. Joseph... are you trying to imitate King Kong? HAha..

Post-Transformation after Jamie says "YES" to "do you wanna be pretty?". The curls here are hard to revive after she went to sleep and all. So people, I've got exclusive coverage on Jamie's new look. Get it from me pls... More photos on my computer.

There ends the photos from Gary's. You really don't get to see this new look of Jamie except from here.. Haha.. I'll move on to Miscellaneous photos..

Had a very interesting prayer meeting at SMU last sunday. Yong Quan was our dear guitarist. He is seen here (on the right) teaching Charles how to play. Joseph however (on the left), is pushing for a new initiative, a 2-man guitar team. Woah...

Our cell group is small, yet I believe, the relationships forged here are strong. I affirm to what Joseph has written, this is a cell group that will run with you. Our walk with God, is not alone. God places people here in our lives, to lead us, to support us.. and I'm indeed blessed to have known all of you to run this race together. Thank you E348, lets move on glory to glory.

I think my post is long enough, with the photos. Updates of my life on the next post... Cya.


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Monday, May 28, 2007

When I look into the sky above...

'When I look into the sky above,
Wonder how my life has changed,
Wonder how Your love it came to me.
When I look into the sky above,
All my fears so far away,
All I feel is heaven calling me.'

This wonderful song was sung during the previous weekend's services and has been resounding in me the entire week serving in Tekong. After all, NS is a place where I am in the open, literally able to look into the blue sky above, at least 75% of my waking time, which is much more than I can say for school, work and even church.

Going through the verse's last 2 lines, as little-Christs, God has taken away from us spirits of fear and in place has provided provision for a spirit of faith. And as it goes, this faith puts no limit on God and likewise God puts no limit on this faith.

Throughout the week's proceedings, this truth has only managed to prove itself to be true to an ever increasing extent. In my earlier emails, I think I did mention that I found considerable difficulty in route marches and looked upon each successive, longer one with apprehension. There's another Christian in my platoon who's my size who also dreads route marches. Faced with a 12km one last Thursday, we prayed together for faith and strength for it and for the experience to refine us. A revelation that came to us, which I think applies to all burdens and trials we might face, is that Jesus had carried the immeasurably heavy cross all the way to Calvary 2 millennia ago without uttering a word of complaint because of His perfect love for us. And so we realise that as Christians, called to love as Christ loved us, we should similarly bear our personal crosses and burdens in faith, without complaint, as Christ did; for after all, any weights we carry pale in comparison to what Christ carried.

As it turns out, the both of us small-sized guys cleared the march and we attribute it to our faith. Yes, there are others who conquered it through natural willpower alone and perhaps we could have managed similarly. But nah.. we know that that's not true.

'From the inside out' is another song that's constantly accompanied me through the week. There's 1 Malay guy in my platoon who loves the song and appreciates Christians and what we do and represent. In our free time, I was playing the song for him on my guitar =P. A Muslim, can you imagine? Its quite amazing I feel. =D

On a separate note, God usually reveals things he wants us to know through the most unusual ways and He sometimes places little mirrors in our lives to show us aspects of ourselves that we are unaware of; perhaps to mould us. He has done so at least once for me this week and thanks Joie for listening to some of it.

And hmm, I'm running quite late for my book-in already and there's plenty more I'd like to write on varying issues if not for the time constraint. But I shall have to end here.

To E348 and the church and Pst Kong, thanks for a great service (I wassn't able to make Saturday's..) and prayer meeting!
To Zoe, Joseph, Terence, Joie and Jme; thanks for a certainly unique and filling dinner of Egyptian cuisine! =P
To Joseph; thanks so much for the treat and the car rides! =)
To Joie; thanks for listening to some of my crap and for your affirmation! =D
To YQ; thanks for playing the guitar well for the PM! Its definitely a level up from the previous time at cg! Keep it up! =) And all the way for manhunt!
To Terence; thanks for Death Note! =P
To Wendy; thanks for the sermon notes and your company during the train ride from expo! (Haha i'll have to get it from you next week) And all the best to you and Ebodicons! =)
To Val; thanks for sharing and sing with God for your concert! (I'll be there spirtually even if not physically). All the best! =) And for your studies too! And get well soon!
To Zhinian and Elicia; jiayou for your examinations and keep shining as God's salt and light in school!
To Evonne; (did i spell your name right?) thanks for picking me and Wendy up for PM and for being a great member of the E348 family! =)
To Lewen; have fun in Japan!! =) I know you are.
To Hongxiu; God's with you whatever trials you may face.

To God; 'So I look to You'. =)

Signing off

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Sunday, May 27, 2007

The week and its HIGHlights...

Dear E348,

Well, it has been certainly a HIGH ending for a HIGH weekend. Reading all your entries made me realise one thing about all of us: weekends and church is definitely the highlight that we look forward to more than anything else! *Okay, I hear your amens..."

Anyway, my week has been tiring yet exciting. Please pray for me to get younger by the days and have more of the ZOE life of God! Need all the energy I can get..haha. I'm also looking forward to changes in my marketplace and on the lookout for opportunities, while trying my best to have the favor to close a BIG business deal, so thanks in advance for your prayers! Why exciting then? God has been speaking to me and breathing revelations into my life, and that really refreshes and empowers me, knowing that I have the authority to have access to these revelations. *For more information and insights into my revelations, please log on to: www.zoe-loveseedplanter.blogspot.com. * >> Free advertisement space. ;)

On a sidenote, for those who were not present in our PM today, besides praying for Emerge (which we had a great time hungering for the move of God in a greater measure and to see revival in E348), there were quite a couple of things we talked about, one of which was something God has been impressing upon my heart alot. Was telling the guys present: many times we have said we want to do and see certain things changed in our lives, to see certain other things happening, to see the fire of God burn us once over again and for foundations to be rebuilt, to cast away wrong thoughts and actions and have a whole pure heart for God; but how much have we done anything to make it happen? If you were asked about the action plan for this thing you want to see changed or happening, can you provide a detailed answer?

I do feel a burden for E348, in that we need to do away with our spirit of passiveness and procrastination. Waiting at the premises for the promises will only make you a couch potato, so let's not become one alright? What are your dreams you want to see come to pass? What are the wrong thoughts you want eradicated from your life this moment? Can you be determined enough to put your hand to the plow, draw up your action plan RIGHT now? There is great potential in E348 that God is waiting to unleash, if only we will overcome this, so let's do it together as a family!

Lastly, Emerge is coming, let's really go in there ready and positioned to RECEIVE. Let's pray that all of us will not be distracted by the busyness of our schoolwork, CCA commitments and relegate God to our backyards. My prayer is that we will all know how to find the balance in life, to never let one area of our life (even though it may be something we love so much) consume us such that we have no room for the things of God anymore. For those who may belong to this 'category', it's time to come back to the altar once again!

That's all from me this week, and cheers to a fruitful week ahead with NO MORE procrastinations!

Be very blessed,

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My Vision during PM @ SMU today!!


Its me Joseph! I wanted to share this after PM but thought placing it on the blog would be better so everyone could see.

Im going straight into wat i saw while we were praying! (even before zoe spoke to us)

I see our CG in a line, we were like soldiers, armed and charging together towards the enemy.

Our hands were crossed linked ( like those riot police forming a line ), supporting each other as there were slower runners and faster ones. But we ran at the same speed. Sometimes some of us will fall or grow tired. The line slows down, but I see us picking each other up and holding the integrity of that line!

I was tired but I looked to my left and my right, and i see us running together, spurring one another on, our faces shinning with the Glory of God. Its like I felt the POWER of e348. The power of a GROUP! the power of US , together, running for God!! Its really a wonderful feeling to know that we are for one another and that there are close friends running beside me!

And my strength renewed and now its my turn to help others!!!

Then i remembered the Word, Matthew 18:20,
When 2 or 3 are gathered in the name of Jesus, His presence is with us and there is power!

I pondered on that sentence for a while and it hit me. There are different levels of power and presence. Sometimes we feel his presence and its a calm tingle or soft touch. Other times its overwhelming and we start tearing, laughing, crying, falling, screaming etc. What i want to say is the power of the gathering lies in the weakest link of the group! I mean... 2 or 3 can gather to praise God, BUT 2 or 3 can also gather to eat nasi lemak... right? hahaha ya... sorry for the jokes... its just me... but think about it, if EVERY ONE gathers with 1 MIND, 1 PURPOSE, 1 VISION, in the name of JESUS, for JESUS, to pray. Then, what would the power and presence be like? We build the atmosphere! So work hard everyone to build and protect that atmosphere where lives change and people grow to another level.

Remember the line in my vision? We can only run as fast as the slowest runner! In that vision I once felt slow and tired, but it is beacuse my CG, E348, YOU, everyone, helped me so that i may ran faster and faster. This is why i feel ALL of us have to help and encourage one another!! Yes, my strength is IN God, but even God says, if one can put 1000 to flight, then two can put 10000 to flight!

I felt that what zoe said was very true. If we want to see our cg become the DREAM cg that we want, EVERY SINGLE person matters! ALL our attitudes counts. ALL of us must have the beatitudes. Its about US, a TEAM!, a FAMILY!! Remember, as pst kong and zoe said, RELATIONSHIPS over ministry.

If we want our CG to move up and up and up!, lets change our attitudes, put on the beatitudes, remove our habits and RUN together, knowing we are FOR one another, encouraging one another, LOVING one another, FORGIVING one another, BELIEVING in one another, doing His work, eating His food, moulding and shaping our destiny TOGETHER with GOD!!

Amen? Amen. Lets work for emerge! lets grow our CG, quality AND quantity! Those who win souls are wise.... but those who dont... will be cut off... but dont cut urself off, hold on tightly to our crosslinked arms, look into our faces! and STAND UP AND RUN! lets GO!

for E348,

Joseph ^^, changing all the time ;P

i posted this at 9:37 PM

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HEY JOSEPH (and everyone!)
Wow, I'm amazed and encouraged by the vision you shared! (Seriously!)
Thanks Dude...

I pray that you guys will always CHERISH and APPRECIATE one another. When it comes to relationship, it's all about acceptance...
We are one people in more ways than we think. What affects one, can affect all...

Lastly something for you guys -

The next time you feel like God can't use you, just remember . . .

NOAH was a drunk....

ABRAHAM was too old..

ISAAC was a daydreamer....

JACOB was a liar..

LEAH was ugly...

JOSEPH was abused.

MOSES couldn't talk.

GIDEON was afraid....

SAMSON had long hair, and was a womanizer!

RAHAB was a prostitute!

JEREMIAH and TIMOTHY were too young...

DAVID had an affair and was a murderer...

ELIJAH was depressed and suicidal.

ISAIAH preached naked.

JONAH ran from God.

NAOMI was a widow.

JOB went bankrupt.

JOHN the Baptist ate bugs...

PETER denied Christ...

The Disciples fell asleep while praying...

MARTHA worried about everything.

MARY MAGDALENE was demon possessed...

The SAMARITAN WOMAN was divorced....more than once!!...

ZACCHEUS was too small.

PAUL was too religious...

TIMOTHY had an ulcer.... AND


. . . no more excuses now. :D

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 29, 2007 at 2:33 AM  

Samuel leon!
I miss ur revelations. I miss ur words. I miss ur testimonials. I miss ur presence. I miss YOU.
(not gay)
Ur wise words IMPACT me the MOST in N188. They changed the way i viewed testimonials and the way i view visions and dreams. I also saw true love for friends in you, and i am trying to learn!

Seriously... i think God gave u a gift to speak into the hearts of people... u speak directly into my heart when u speak of ur experiences.

Always grateful,
Joseph ;)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 2, 2007 at 2:22 AM  

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Ohayou Gozaimasu Minna-san!


This week had been pretty boring for me. It was just work, a little night life, sleep and repetition of the activities again and again. The fun thing about this week is the coming of a new Japanese manager into the company because I got bored of seeing and mixing with the previous one already. Haha. However, this new jappy turned out to be reserved and strict. He has a sha-qi in him that makes me keep very quiet whenever we go out for lunch together. Zahhh!

It's three more weeks to my last day of work. I am really sad to go because it has been an enjoyable and fun experience working in the company. Although there are many things that I complain and whine occasionally about, there are still many beautiful memories I have with me. Going through the ups and downs with the company like shopping everyday and frequent hotel lunches to seeing my ex-boss got sacked and causing a whole lot of confusion around were all wonderful! Hehe. Partly because I got to see more Japanese coming into the office during the spot-checking period! *blushes* Wokays, what's with me and Japanese? Should this even be in the blog!?!?! ZAHHH! But then again, I have nothing much to talk about. -.- Let's just pray that these last three weeks will have more exciting surprises waiting for me, positive ones of course! Haha. Hopefully, I can bring my colleagues to church also!

Emerge is 3 days and counting down! Are you all ready?! Muahaha! I'm looking forward to a touch from heaven, eh no no. I want a heavy downpour of love and anointing from God to drown me! God, I know you are reading this! Many thanks in advance!

Wokays, so thats all for the week!

Hai. Doumo Arigatou.
JOIEadeline desu.

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Saturday, May 26, 2007

hey guys(:
this week was a little less stressful compared to last week. but nonetheless, practices are still on like every single day. last week i had maths and physics faculty test. For maths, i know i did not prepare well for it, i so did what i could and by the grace of God i passed(: so is physics(: well, it's not a very good pass but i will continue to work hard(:

well, yesterday i had my gp paper. honestly speaking, it was quite bad and i kinda suffered a set back from it but i'm alright now(: i'm gonna place my trust in God because no point brooding over it since it's already over. i shall just work hard for the next 4 subjects which will be from 25-29th june. so yups. please pray for me guys.

concert is coming up! well it's okay if you guys are busy cuz i know i still have your support(:i'll be singing lots of songs. like year 2 chorus and alumni choir as well(: i also wanna pray that this concert will be a success as it will mark the end of my career of tpjc chorister, there will be many photos n i may post a few here too(: so keep your eyes open!

anyway i really want to avail myself and to fellowship with you guys soon cuz i know i haven't been doing so for the past few weeks. yar. but thanks for your understanding(:

lastly, special thanks to charles for encouraging me and yong quan for helping me out(: and of course i love you guys(:


i posted this at 11:35 PM

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Hey Val, I miss you loads! So it's really good for me to hear bout yr life through our blog. =)

I'm so sorry that I won't be able to be there at the concert to support you coz i'll be having dance and cheerleading rehearsals. So ya like what you said... i'll still be supporting ya in a different way! And I guess the most practical way now is to keep you in my prayers! =)

Looking forward to spending more time with you girl. You're gonna shine in your concert yeah!? =)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 27, 2007 at 1:07 AM  

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hahaa alrite its that time of the week again! ahh what has been going on in my life that you all dun already know? Well basically by 30 May, I should know whether my application into NUS has been accepted. ah this is sth i hate to talk about, but still need all of your prayers! er.. i dunno if you all shud ask me abt it on 30 may tho... hahahaha sensitive topic. HEH. yaa

Secondly, my last day of work will be on 15 June. haha so pray that I will be able to bring my colleagues to church by then! zahhh its quite sad cos I only started to get to know them more during the past few weeks. yeaa so pray that during these 3 weeks I will be able to find the boldness and courage to invite them to CHC. haha actually they have quite a bad opinion of our church cos of bad experiences in the past. haha so hopefully i can change their minds! To pray more specifically, it will be benson hwa san and lionel. hahaa



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Friday, May 25, 2007

from a tech noob

wooh~ the blog's really really cool! =) seriously everyone in e348 rocks! haha... hmm...am i supposed to start sharing my week? well... anyway here i go...

my week was fantastic. felt God so close to me. had chemistry and biology practicals (counted in A levels) and maths test. arrgh. Think i need God to come true for my test(can't really do a single question) and bio prac (didn't finish). other than that, i found out some awful rumours in school spreading, that i'm a flirt. please pray for favour and that the glory of God will be with me as i continue to serve God in my school. The good part about my week is that God spoke and comforted me. feel really blessed to be in his kingdom!

holidays are coming! =) today's the last day of official school. haha... and EMERGE is COMING! i'm so excited... let's pray that it'll be impartational, and not just hype yea?

please pray for fanndly. she will be joining us tomorrow for service then dinner (hopefully she won't back out last minute). She was from chc. let's hope that she'll stay and grow in the lord.
hong xiu too. lets hope that her mum will allow her to come to church on her own.

incredibly, my mum is still against me going church. everyday talking... telling me not to go. please pray for me that she'll give me more freedom and be more open yea?

thanks... hope to hear from all of u soon...


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hello everyone!!!! it is the first time i write a blog in english! i am afraid there will be some grammar or spelling mistakes, but anyway i think you will understand!! firstly i really wanna thank you all of you. it 's you who bring me happiness; it's you who make me feel like at home; it's u who will always be with me . something is beyond word like our belief in GOD, especially recently i ve passed the SAT successfully and maybe will have a chance to receive the invitation of SMU's scholarship interview. i think i am so blessed!!THANK GOD!! i will come back to china soon and i'm sure i will miss you guys and our church. but i think no matter where i am i am a member of E348,a member of our lovely family!!!! btw, Adeline i can bring you your birthday present in time coz i will be back a week earlier!!! haha!!!!


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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

music and tags

hi everyone!

haha, nice pictures at gary's.

i managed to add a tagboard and some music.

i found some chc music on www.imeem.com, and theres also some u2 and linkin park music there. you can hear the pastor speaking on some of the chc songs.
haha, pls tell me if you want to change the songs. i'll try to mail my account info so that we can change all the songs later. maybe zoe can record a song and upload it=)

lets try to add more stuff to this blog k!


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Welcome to Gary's ;>

Hello E348!

For those of u who dont know!

Gary spends his weekends cutting CHC security and N188 and E348's hair.

He is the principle of Monsoon Hair something School.

This shop belongs to his sister.

We are there cus it costs firstly Gary's a great guy and his skill is superb!
also, $15 to cut VS $150 at monsoon.

And Karaoke is FREE!

My hope is everyone in E348 cuts and SING there!!! wahahaha ;P

Anyway heres some of the photos of some of us at Gary's!


Our precious leader Zoe! Winner of 5000BC-2007 Most OUTSTANDING dresser, Winner of 5000BC-2007 Best SINGER, Winner of 5000BC-2007 Best CGL! and most importantly,

A child of God. :>
Terence look like hes rocking... winner of 5000BC-4999BC, modern rock contest.

Gary: " Do u want to look pretty? "
Jamie:" YES! "
YongQuan our manHUNT

And so it Begins.... with the glory of heaven shining!!

and the voice of angels in the background...

I present to u! Jamie, The End Result! she feels SECURE.ity

By the way,
turn to ur neighbour and say,

(remember security shirt is black... but in the photo the shirt is white... meaning black is actually ????? )
And last but not least, a video of terence and YQ...

Joseph!!! ;)

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Monday, May 21, 2007


haha yups! so from now on we shall update our weekly prayer requests here, as well as your own personal revelations and updates on your life! Feel free to beautify this blog and hahaa pls help me add a tag board cos i dunno how?!?! hahaa and song wise... i'm clueless also!! someone help!!!

hahaa yup.. so for the password and username.. you will find it in your email hahaa and if you dun PLS ASK ME!!!


and rmb to leave ur name at the end of each post!

hahaa photos will be uploaded here too!

SOOOOO by the end of the year.. we can probably write a book already >.<

hahaa lets make it an exciting story yea??



i posted this at 12:17 AM

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hey guys! sorry i just sent another conventional email; was halfway through that when i got news of this. gonna go back to tekong soon. but lets all have a great coming week in Christ! =)


By Blogger Charles, at May 21, 2007 at 2:26 AM  

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